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Indie Support Sunday: Becky Tzag

One of my favorite things to do now that I’m an author—outside of writing my stories—is connecting with fellow authors. And being on social media really helps build those connections. It’s how I stumbled across Becky Tzag’s profile and then added her books to my ever-growing TBR. The fact that some of my favorite people and authors are friends with her only made it even more clear that she and I were meant to connect in the vast expanse of Instagram.

I recently read her debut, Just Friends With a Prince, and loved every minute of it. It’s funny and sexy and exciting, plus toss in the most amazing royal family and a dash of drama; you have a great book that you won’t be able to put down. The supporting characters are an absolute riot and the world that Becky’s created with the country of Sova is so captivating, you’ll want to move there ASAP.

Best part? There are more books in the series to read! Just for the Summer and Just Admit It are available right now and Just for Fun is coming soon. And you can get them all in Kindle Unlimited, so what are you waiting for?


Who or what inspired you to write?

I’ve always had stories or scenes play out in my head. I people-watch: imagine what their lives are like and create little worlds and scenarios for them in my head. Last year, I wasn't able to get a scene of a man and woman cooking a meal together, but trying to pretend they didn't want each other, before finally caving and having a “fuck it” moment, out of my head, so I thought I would write it down. That eventually turned into my first book. 

What’s the best and worst part about being an indie author? 

Best thing is creating these worlds and characters that other people also love! When someone reads my book and then gushes about it to me, I squeal and jump for joy. I love enthusiastic readers. 

Worst part is probably marketing. I have to promote my books and myself CONSTANTLY, and it's hard. I also worry that I'm bothering people by constantly posting about my books on social media. 

Why did you choose to self-publish instead of going the traditional route?

I like the idea of having control over it. I decide when and how my books are released. 

But, the real answer is probably more like I'm impatient, and querying is a long process. Many authors take years and years, rejection after rejection, to maybe get a deal. I have a fragile heart, and don't think I could deal with the traditional route. 

When you’re not writing, what do you do to get the creative juices flowing?

Read. A lot. 

Sometimes if I'm stuck, I'll read someone else's book in my genre to help me get excited about my own book again. Other times I need to step away and get out of the book world for a bit, so I'll go for a walk, spend time with my kids, pet the cats. Anything that makes me happy and out of my head. 

If you were to recommend books to me (in any genre), what would they be?

I'm a huge ACOTAR fan, so passes a giant stack of books to get you sucked into the Maasverse. Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley are usually my go-to recommendation for romance. Elise Kova is amazing in YA fantasy and romantasy (her Air Awakens series is fabulous!!). 

What are your top 5 tips or pieces of advice for aspiring authors?

  1. Write what makes you happy. Don't worry about what other people might want in your book 

  2. Find some author friends! Having people to talk to who are going through the same thing is invaluable. 

  3. Value your own time. Your writing time is sacred and important. 

  4. Write wherever you're comfortable and you're the most productive. If that's a private office, coffee shop, kitchen table, or your couch. 

  5. Don't listen to “experts”. There are ideas, guidelines, but no BEST way to do anything. Just because someone does it one day, doesn't mean you have to. You write your book the way that works for you! 


Why did you choose romance as the genre to write in? What is your favorite thing about the genre?

I like the idea of exploring real world relationships and lives. I mostly read romance. The psychology behind falling in love is fascinating and beautiful to me. 

If not romance/subgenres of romance, what genre would you like to write in?

I have an idea for a romantasy series that has been floating around in my head for a while. Maybe one day I'll get to it! 

What are your most and least favorite tropes?

Favorites, it's hard to pick a few, but sibling’s best friend, friends-to-lovers, secret identity will always get me. 

There are very few tropes that I refuse to read. If pregnancy is done well, I love it. I don't love it when it's obvious that the ONLY reason they get together is because of the baby, and you're left wondering why they're together when they're still enemies, then I don't like it. I don't love big age gaps, but it's also not an automatic pass for me either. 

What are some tropes you want to write in the future?

Fake dating/marriage, grumpy-sunshine (I am horrible at writing grumpy people, I make them too happy), note passing. 

What are some topics (sensitive and otherwise) that you think should exist more in romance?

Men who show emotion with each other. Emotional intelligence is sexy, for men and women. Men should talk about their feelings with their friends and hug each other. 

If you write open door romance, why did you choose that and what inspires your sex scenes?

Sex is a part of life, and a big part of many adult relationships, particularly when they're falling in love. Including sex in my books felt right and authentic to their stories. 

I actually set out to write my first book as being a little less spicy, but my characters had different plans. I'd say my books are a good 3 pepper on the spice scale. Real life inspires me, talking to friends, watching tv/movies, and my good old imagination. 


What inspired your published stories? How and when did you come up with these stories and plots?

Just Friends with a Prince: the scene of Harper and Tate cooking together, the tension palpable, until Tate finally says, “fuck it” just kept playing over and over in my head. Eventually, I started to wonder who these people were. Tate becoming a Prince wasn't actually the plan, but when Harper’s sister told me she lived in Europe, and I made up a country, Tate morphed into a Prince. 

Just for the Summer: At the end of Prince, we meet Harper's cousins. Cameron is a little grumpy, and I wondered why he was like that. What happened that made him need to escape? He bought an old cottage resort, so I knew he was hiding from something. And obviously, that something is a woman. His only real, true love who broke his heart. She became his twin sisters’ best friend. Anna’s story changed a few times while I was writing, but it wasn't until we meet her dad that it really all clicked. He’s a huge jerk, and suddenly, her reasons for running and pretending she wasn't in love with her friends’ brother made sense. The cottage resort is based on a cottage my family goes to every year in Muskoka. 

Just Admit It: Hale was introduced in Summer as Cameron’s best friend. As I got to know him more, I knew he was going to be important. I fell in love with Hale. This book is about Emily, Cameron’s sister. She doesn't do feelings or love, until she meets Hale. Emily is hard and closed off, but lets Hale in. He's the perfect compliment to her rough edges. Hale was really the driving force in this book, telling me 

It sounds silly, but a lot of this answer is really “it just came to me”, or “the characters told me what to do”. 

Can you briefly tell me about your books?

Just Friends With a Prince is a spicy contemporary romance set in the fictional European country of Sova. A secret prince, with a ridiculously close and hilarious family, meets a sunshiny and witty woman looking to find herself after a string of bad luck.

Just for the Summer is a friends-to-lovers, sister’s best friend, second chance romance. It’s full of love, heart, found family, and spice. 

Just Admit It is a spicy, brother’s best friend romance, with a golden retriever hero and a heroine who doesn’t do feelings. It’s  filled with super close families, characters that always have each others’ backs, and the discovery that finding the one means you can drop all your masks and finally be yourself.

Do you already have a favorite character from the stories you’ve written?

Hale is probably my favorite. He's just so sweet and patient. He's a good friend, cares about everyone, and easy to talk to. 

Gavin is a side character (Cam and Hale’s friend), and he's hilarious. He's my comedic relief. I got to know him a bit better in Just Admit It. He's getting a little romance side story of his own. 

If you were to cast your book for a movie/television show, who would you cast in the lead roles?

Hmmm….this is hard because I don't picture people as I write/read. 

Just Friends with a Prince: Tate would be Tom Ellis, Harper would be Alexis Bledel

Just for the Summer: Cameron would be Theo James, Anna would be Emma Roberts 

Just Admit It: Hale would be Adam Demos, Emily is Keira Knightley. 

Just for Fun: MMC is a surprise, but Sadie would be Emilia Clarke . 

Bonus: Gavin is Matt Bomer. He's the only character that I actually had an actor in mind while describing him. 

How much of yourself do you put into these characters?

A little bit here and there. Harper’s love of tea is all me. All of my characters get pieces of me and my life, but Sadie is me. Her book will be the hardest emotionally because she is me and I am her in a lot of ways. 

What is a story/stories that you really want to tell?

I have an idea for a novella at the end to wrap everything up. It'll be in the future (like 15ish years later), and will be Sadie's daughter. It’ll be like a bonus epilogue in some ways, but also Mae’s story. 

Is there one common element that readers can find in all your stories?

Found family and friends that always have each other's backs. Family is what you make it. Rely on them. Support each other. Love each other. 

What’s next on the bookshelf for you? Anything you can tell us about a future project?

I just started writing Just for Fun, which will finish off my Just Love series. 

When you write these stories, what are you hoping your readers will feel?

Hope, love, acceptance. The idea that there are people in the world that will love you unconditionally, and that it is okay to ask for help. There is a quote from their mother that sticks out to me “Love isn't a burden. Love is being there for someone when they feel burdened.” 


  • Paperbacks, hardbacks, ebooks or audiobooks—Typically, I read ebooks, but will buy the physical copy if I loved it. Books I know I will love, I buy in paperback or hardback right away. Generally, paperback for romance and general fiction, hardback for fantasy/romantasy (but that's likely  because of the market). Hardcover for special editions. 

  • Contemporary, fantasy, historical or romantic suspense—Mostly contemporary, but I won't say no to any of these. 

  • Single or Dual POV—Dual is my preference, but I don't pass on a single either. 

  • Standalones, series or standalones in a series—I love series! If it's a standalone, I often wonder what happened to the friend/brother/sister/cousin. Did they like their new job? Was that boyfriend the one? I get invested in their world. 

  • Open door, ajar door or closed door romances—I much prefer open door, but ajar or closed are good too, especially when it's fade-to-black, vs them only kissing and holding hands

  • Music or silence when writing—I get distracted if I have music on

  • Plotter, pantser or plantser—If I do try to plot, I and my characters don't follow it anyway. I usually have an idea of where the story is going, but getting there is often a surprise 

  • Water, tea, coffee or….wine?—I drink a lot of black tea in a day. I don't like coffee, and I don't drink alcohol. I should probably drink more water than I do. 

  • Cold or warm weather—Warm weather please! I'm a bad Canadian. I don't like winter or being cold. Snow is pretty…from inside the house, cuddled under a blanket with a book and cup of tea

  • Write better in the morning, afternoon or night?—I'm a late morning person. 10am-2pm is my time to shine!

  • Illustrated or photo cover?—Illustrated. I don't really like people (real or illustrated) on covers. 

Make sure you follow Becky on Instagram and TikTok. You can also find her in her Facebook group and on Threads!


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