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Indie Support Sunday: Eliza Modiste

Any author (or creative person) will tell you that being a daydreamer is part of the job. So I was happy to see that Eliza Modiste also calls herself a daydreamer! It only makes me wonder what kinds of dreams she’s having if she’s writing romantic suspense stories. 😉

Like a lot of indie authors, Eliza chose the self-publishing side of authoring because she likes having control over every minute detail of her books. And let’s not forget the instant gratification that comes with it! The Veiled series have heavy banter, suspense and found family, as well as include one of my favorite tropes—friends to lovers! And if and when Eliza chooses to venture into enemies to lovers, I’ll be right here cheering her on!

Three books in The Veiled Series are out now and available in Kindle Unlimited!


Who or what inspired you to write?

I’ve always been a bit of a daydreamer—to the point that I would fall asleep to the tune of my own little stories progressing in my mind. I tried putting pen to paper for my stories several years ago and never looked back.

What’s the best and worst part about being an indie author? 

The best is knowing that there’s an audience out there actively reading my works, wanting more, and even reaching out to me to chat about my books! I love talking to my readers ☺️

The worst, and I think many other indies would agree with me, is self-doubt and anxiety about putting yourself out there. It’s a little piece of your soul on every page, and because it can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s extremely difficult to come to terms with inevitable criticism.

Why did you choose to self-publish instead of going the traditional route?

This is a little hard to answer because there’s so many nuances to choosing a publishing route. Both self-pubbing and trad are arduous and stressful. There are loads of bumps in the road no matter which way you go, and with self-publishing, you’re facing these bumps yourself—oftentimes, alone.

But, to answer the question more literally, I’m a control freak and self-pubbing allows me to let my freak flag fly. There’s also a sense of instant gratification about it that I can’t deny…because of the lack of red tape, I can kinda do whatever the fuck I want. There are general rules that I set for myself, of course, but the freedom of it all is simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating. 


Why did you choose romance as the genre to write in? What is your favorite thing about the genre?

I’m a romantic 🥰 I’ve heard the phrase “write what you love to read” and it’s very applicable for me. 

I’d say my favorite thing about the genre is being able to get lost in a story as well as a romantic pairing. As a reader, it gets me further invested in the plot itself and makes me feel like I’m a part of the literary world.

What are your most and least favorite tropes?

Most: friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, touch her and die, “who did this to you?”

Least: unexpected pregnancy 😩 I won’t ever yuck someone’s yum. I’m not a kink shamer. Loads of people love this trope, and I love that they love it! However, this one makes me want to throw a book across the room (in a bad way).

What are some tropes you want to write in the future?

All my books have been semi-friends to lovers. They’ve been centered around the same found family group, and there’s a lot to venture through with past experienced trauma. I’d love to go enemies to lovers, though. It’d be such a fun change in direction.

If you write open door romance, why did you choose that and what inspires your sex scenes?

Again, I don’t yuck anyone’s yum. If someone enjoys closed door romance, that’s awesome. That being said…frankly, I don’t read closed door romance. If I’m surprised with a fade-to-black intimate scene and realize that the entire book is comprised of only that, I’m audibly screaming. My husband’s coming to check on me to ask who died. I’m betrayed 🤣 I write for those like me who want detailed spice that’s also realistic.


Can you briefly tell me about your books?

I currently have two published and a third on the way within the same series, The Veiled Series. These are small town romantic suspense/thriller novels with an added twist of comedy throughout. They occur in sequential order, and are all in a different character’s point of view. 

The first, Thinly Veiled, is about a woman who’s escaped from a criminal past. There’s found family, love, a history that’s bound to come back and bite her in the ass, and plenty of banter and spice.

The second is Veiled in Brick. This installment is heavier on the spice as the FMC is rather open about her sex life, and while she is by no means romantically inclined, she’s found herself in a bit of a love triangle. On top of this, the group is forced to face a third man in her life (cw): a violent stalker.

The third, Shattered Veil, is the third and my newest release. We’re in a male point of view this time with inevitable returning plot and characters, a small age gap romance (9 years) that feels slightly forbidden, and a mystery surrounding missing women in their small town.

Do you already have a favorite character from the stories you’ve written?

I’m tempted to say James Turner…but that’s probably because I’ve been immersed in writing his story, Shattered Veil. I feel like my favorite changes with every book I write.

Is there one common element that readers can find in all your stories?

Would three common elements be okay? 

Heavy banter, loads of suspense, and found family. 


  • Contemporary, fantasy, historical or romantic suspense

  • Standalones, series or standalones in a series

  • Open door, ajar door or closed door romances—I want the door off the damn hinges

  • Plotter, pantser or plantser—I try so hard to be a plotter, but I’m way more of a pantser. Plantser, I suppose.

  • Water, tea, coffee or….wine?—Whiskey 😃

Eliza’s on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. You can also find her on Goodreads and her website. Don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter and you can order  her books and merch online as well!


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